Closing date: 19 August 2022

The African World Heritage Fund (AWHF) was created in 2006 to support the effective
conservation and protection of cultural and natural heritage of outstanding universal value in
Africa. The main objective of AWHF is to address the challenges faced by African State Parties
in the implementation of the 1972 Convention, specifically, the underrepresentation of African
sites on the World Heritage List and the insufficient conservation and management of these

As part of the AWHF contribution to enhance conservation and management of World Heritage
properties, an annual application for Conservation Grants has been set up. In general, the
Conservation Grants have assisted African States Parties to undertake projects that have made
a positive impact on the state of conservation of sites inscribed of World Heritage List.

To encourage young heritage professionals undertaking Masters and Doctoral research in the
field of natural and cultural heritage in Africa the Fund set up an annual application for Moses
Mapesa Educational Research Grant. This Grant seeks to further research (particularly
supporting fieldwork) on issues of conservation, management, and sustainability of World
Heritage properties and sites on Tentative Lists in Africa.

The AWHF is welcoming applications from heritage professionals to evaluate the 2022/2023
Moses Mapesa and Conservation grant.

More information and application details in English

More information and application details in French